Sunday 15 November 2020

A personal update on my health

I know I promised a follow up article on the large right-wing coalition in the Azores, that includes an agreement with the far-right (yes, it happened), but I'm struggling with a few health issues, taking some heavy medication that leaves me on a zombie like situation and mood, it's harder than usual to concentrate, I have migraines, abdominal pain and nausea all the time and I would appreciate any tips to attenuate the secondary effects of cefuroxime.

I have a huge sinus infection that has been persistent for over a year now (started October 2019) and my CT scan report suspects it might be an inverted papilloma, I'm taking two daily doses of cefuroxime for 16 days to dry the sinus, then I'll wait 5 days to see if all the mucus is cleared out and take another CT scan - this time the physician made sure I will not be reading the CT scan report before he does to avoid any panic attacks on my end, like what happened this week when I had the irrational thought of reading the report the night before our appointment and freaked out when it mentioned a tumor as the likely cause of my persistent sinusitis. 

This time he scheduled the CT scan so he can read it a few minutes before my appointment with him on December 7, I will be going from the CT room directly to his office a floor up. That sounded like a red flag to me, but I'm rather paranoid at this time. He is very confident it will not be a papilloma, just a neglected infection and that the lab was just being extra careful before ruling out any causes, hence the report stating it might be a papilloma (when I started to have trouble breathing I went to my pneumologist suspecting it was asthma, turns out the medication treated the symptoms but not the cause, and now here we are).

But hey, at least it's not Covid-19 - although the side effects of cefuroxime mixed with the shortage of air mimic the same symptoms, except for coughing and fever. Luckily for me I live in a country where healthcare is very affordable (an average of 15€/U$20,00 per hospital visit or medical appointment). It's a Neoliberal hell just the same, but I guess having Medicare for All/National Health Service will label us as a Communist country on the American mindset. 


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